Reward and discovery abound as SJIMA works with other organizations and community resources. With each exhibition or project, we look for speakers, activities, or partners to enhance and educate us all.
During DEEP DIVE we welcomed our first animal presenter, Eba, the whale poop sniffing dog, and her handler, Dr. Deborah Giles from FH Labs, to discuss the food cycle and science of orcas’ diet. The renowned Bill Holm talked about his life with First Nation art, culture, and canoe building. He got to visit his Kwigwatsi canoe during EMERGENCE: First Nation Legendary & Emerging Artists.
MY WAR: Wartime Photographs by Vietnam Veterans depicted the everyday soldiers’ lives from their photos, poems, and journals. Working jointly with the local American Legion Posts, SJIMA’s exhibition touched lives.
IN DIFFICULT TIMES-Art museums are a place of peace and healing. Art can help present issues in ways that words cannot. Art museums can play a key role in facilitating community dialogues and the SJIMA is doing an excellent job providing that for our community.’ - G. Bruels
With other collaborations, SJIMA has held yoga classes in the genuinely meditative space of the Atrium. The local quilting community created smashing Gee’s Bend-inspired potholders and artsy masks as fund-raisers for the museum. SJIMA has exhibited student art from Spring Street School, that of revered local artists Sam Connery and Mary Ann Rock and the National Park Service.
Help SJIMA continue these efforts for our islands.
Please go to the link below to support SJIMA’s moving and relevant exhibits and arts education:
SJICF will post an obscure SJI trivia question on Facebook. Anyone can email their answer to SJICF (no Facebook comments accepted). The correct answers given on this day will be entered in a drawing. Go to the San Juan Island Community Foundation Facebook page HERE to play!