Sat, Dec 18
|540 Spring St
Bodies Adorned: make your own tattoo designs on fabric dolls.
Time & Location
Dec 18, 2021, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM PST
540 Spring St, 540 Spring St, Friday Harbor, WA 98250, USA
About the Event
Make your own tattoo designs on fabric dolls.
Though some of us like ourselves just the way we are, many people wish to have a body modification to improve their looks. The tradition of body adornment is very ancient and can be found in many cultures. Tattoo is one of the ways to show one's individuality, to state a rite of passage, or signal cultural, tribal, and religious association. Many ancient Egyptian mummies had tattoos. The most well-known examples of tattooing come from Polynesia, Arctic, and Indo-Pacific areas. Many indigenous cultures required wearing a tattoo. Inuit were the first people known to modern Europeans as wearing extensive tattoos. However, six thousand years ago Otzi, a native of the Swiss Alps already had 61 beautiful tattoos. Later on, as the Age of Discovery launched many ships to sail the South Seas, Maori people, Samoans, and natives of New Guinea have become known for their elaborate tattoos. In this country Native Americans are acknowledged for their traditional designs.
The designs of the tattoos show respect for the deities, mark the chiefs and allow people who wear those designs to feel more beautiful and respected. In Samoa, in Polynesia, the extensive tattoos are made by a painful process and display the courage of the young warriors.
In our society, we see many people, both men, and women who choose to wear tattoos as a mark of self-expression. Some designs are done purely for decorative purposes, some are memory tokens and symbolize important events or loved ones.
In real life, one must be ready for “no pain, no gain” as far as getting a personalized tattoo. However, with the project at hand, you yourself will be a cherished and respected tattoo artist! The recipient of your designs will be a cloth doll. The doll will not cry or cringe. You can go for a permanent tattoo on the doll right away. No need to use temporary designs.
MATERIALS provided by SJIMA: cloth dolls, 12 inches tall in white, tan, or brown color, inspirational images, and designs.
Materials found in one's household: sharpies or other types of permanent markers, scrap paper for practicing the designs.
Family Art Days offer the community free, imaginative projects for children with their family members.
Inspired by SJIMA’s Fall exhibitions on the human figure September 24 - December 6, Family Art Days (FAD) art pact pick-ups are on Saturdays beginning October 2 - December 18.
Participation is free, but registration is necessary as supplies are limited.