June 8 - September 11, 2023
UNUSUAL PHENOMENA features three-dimensional work by Seattle-based artist Kalina Winska.
The installation consists of sheets of Tyvek suspended in a cloud formation, printed with NOAA Storm Data, and hung with an armature of rope and plastic molding bars. The work creates a dialog around modes of representation and the experiences of chaos and uncertainty brought on by the relentless near-daily weather events of historic nature. The exhibition explores the environmental and technological themes that have been revolving in Winska’s work for most of her artistic career.
YouTube video: Kalina Winska's gallery & docent training presentation for her exhibit UNUSUAL PHENOMENA
The Honeywell Charitable Fund, Town of Friday Harbor, Washington State Arts Commission, National Endowment for the Arts, Browne's Home Center, Printonyx, Harbor Rentals and anonymous gifts.