SJIMA raised money through the San Juan Island Community Foundation’s 2024 SJI Cares County Fair Giving Campaign for 'Kindling Creativity': a series of adult art classes once a month, 3 hours each session, beginning in October 2024-March 2025.
This series of adult art classes aims to kindle the creative spirit within. Each class will comfortably host 10 participants in the light-filled loft of the San Juan Islands Museum of Art. The classes are:
Colorful Mandalas
Creating an 8x8 in. colorful mandala using watercolors, free hand and/or stencils, on watercolor paper.
Words of Wisdom Cards
Creating a personalized deck of cards capturing one’s own wisdom and using watercolors and/or acrylic paints, permanent markers and paint pens on watercolor paper.
Chakras Mobile
Exploring the 7 Chakras and using the colors of the rainbow to create a mobile with watercolors, watercolor paper, driftwood, yarn/string.
Joy Jar
Connecting with a sense of joy, creating a set of little cards inspiring to engage in activities that bring joy. Cards are collected in a jar and drawn for inspiration.
Book of Values
A handmade booklet created on watercolor paper with a mixed-media approach and with emphasis on connecting with one’s core values.
Layered Portrait
A mixed-media portrait incorporating collage on canvas board.
Geometric Abstracts
A set of 3 mini paintings layering oil pastels, watercolors, and ink pencils on watercolor paper.
More to come soon on the 'Kindling Creativity' adult art classes and how to sign up.
At the San Juan Islands Museum of Art, we celebrate artists, creativity, community, and generosity through exhibits, education, and events. Located on beautiful San Juan Island in the Pacific Northwest, SJIMA connects islanders and visitors from around the world through powerful and timely museum exhibits and programming.
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The museum is open Thursday through Monday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is free for members, $10 for non-members, and Mondays are "pay as you like" admission.
Private and group docent tours are free, please schedule in advance.
San Juan Islands Museum of Art | 540 Spring Street | Friday Harbor, WA 98250 US