June 5 & 6 10 am- 5 pm
The San Juan Islands Museum of Art invites you to the STUDIO TOUR. Many of the artists who participated in SJIMA’s annual ARTISTS’ REGISTRY SHOW and others can be seen in the studios with a broad range of their works. Enjoy visiting the studios.
The artists will be adhering to COVID protocols for the county and displays will be in outdoor settings.

About the STUDIO TOUR 2021
"The idea of an island artists studio tour was arrived at independently by several island artists in 1990. They wanted to show the public how the various arts were created and to create an event that was a celebration of the creative spirit. Thus the San Juan Island Artists' Studio Tour was born. Every year the tour is organized by the artists that are participating that year. On the first weekend in June, with the coming of longer days and warmer weather, the artists invite you to visit their private spaces to see artwork created over the quiet winter season. The idea of sharing the artistic process and to inspire others was central to the original concept of the tour, and that continues to make the tour the popular event that it is today." - excerpt from the Studio Tour website
Visit www.sanjuanislandartists.com to learn more.
Website copyright 2021 San Juan Island Artists’ Studio Tour